Original serigraph by Ninin and Jérôme Rasto. Limited edition: 40.
10 of them have been enhanced by hand by the two artists. Sizes : 70x50cm.
Price : serigraph black and white : 80 euros
Price: enhanced sérigraph: 150 euros
Les Distiques:
Ninin and Rasto are two Parisian street artists.
Find their personal biographies on the pages of their articles.
“Les distiques” are works that they have done in collaboration. They give that name at their collaborative artworks because a “distique” is in poetry a couplet: the meeting of two verses forming a complete whole by meaning, for example a maxim.
Yam is the gallery that presented the exhibition of the “distiques”. The other existing “distiques” are street works.
A real notion of collaboration emerged in art at the beginning of this century with street artists. This new form of art comes from a deep friendship between artists and groups of artists who like to go together in the street to spread their art or appreciate the work of an other artist and therefore decide together of associate their creations. In a text of presentation of the exhibition, we called this practice "the end of the battle of the egos". It shows a real turning point in the history of art and a societal evolution. Ninin and Rasto with their “distiques” have pushed this practice of collaboration to a new level. More than juxtapositions, symmetries, and the surrounding work of the other, there is a true symbiosis of their universes which, together, tell something different from when they are separated.